Friday, April 10, 2009

Why we should/should not exercise any form of censorship in pornography.

With the more and more wide spread use of the internet, pornography, be it film or images, is widely found and easily accessed. However, pornography is not only found on the internet but also in magazines and other forms of media. Over exposure to pornography may lead to addiction, and addiction can be dangerous. Although people know that pornography is harmful to them, they still fall for the trap as the temptation is hard to resist.

Pornography in this era is more male oriented, and it generally degrades women and portrays them as someone that deep down, wanted to be raped. This is not true in the society and is an insult to women. Pornography is a very taboo to the majority due to the sexual materials it involves, talking about it in the public simply defies the traditional ways of doing things. In the past, people had little sex educations and hence some will resort to pornography to learn about such things. Though the world is more modern now, acts to stop pornography is not really obvious.

Future generations should not have any chance to be exposed to such these unhealthy materials that may corrupt their minds. However, from statistics obtained, we know that this is highly difficult as they have their own curiosity that causes them to venture into pornography themselves, considering how pornography can be easily obtained from the internet. Sometimes, children can also accidentally stumble into pornographic sites and hence be exposed to them if not stopped by someone else. Censorship can be exercised to stop the chance that these immature children can be corrupted and stop the consequences that may come together with it.

Sometimes, pornography can also create religious problems as there are some religions out there that are considered rather conservative. All these different religions have their own set of beliefs, and we all have to respect them and be mindful of not violating them. However, pornography violates these religious beliefs, and thus, I think censorship should be enforced.

However, not all pornography is totally harmful to the mind. Some may be rather healthy and can come from a beautiful art form that is worthy of appreciation. This this kind of cases, it is up to the viewer to decide on whether what they are looking at is just a piece of art or pornography. According to some, pornography also has a role as a form of expression, which is healthy sexual desire.

From what we know, anti-pornography proponents have been calling for censorship for a long time, but the censorship is still not there in a lot of countries. Why is this so? Is pornography really a form of freedom of expression? This can be argued that through exposure to pornography, humans can enjoy their own sexual fantasies brings about pleasure of human sexuality and so they can enjoy it to the fullest.

There are constant debates on this this topic, what I think would be ideal is for pornography to be censored. The only form of pornography left standing should be art, which is in my opinion, not pornography at all. This will create a much decent environment for us to live in. In conclusion, there are a lot of damages that pornography can do to human relationships and it can be harmful to the future generations. Hence, censorship should be put in place to restrict the use of these secual explicit materials.

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