Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Science: a Menace to Civilisation?

What role does science plays in today's society? Wait, before answering that question, how are you going to read this blog post without the scientific breakthroughs? We all know that science had played an important and crucial role in our lives, without it, we would not be what we are now. From the light bulb, television, computer to even books, almost everything that you see in our life have something to do with science. However, science also brings about destruction other than innovations that improves human's lives. This can be found in the invention of the atom bomb and biological weapons of mass destruction. Which leads me to the main topic for this post -- is modern science truly beneficial to humans, or does it actually work in the opposite?

Well, I think that the benefits that we gain from modern science outweigh its costs. It is with science that we get to live in this comfortable environment that we are in now. With the breakthrough in the field of medicine, scientists managed to make life-saving discoveries that include vaccination, antibiotics and many others, all with the help of science. It is also with developments that science brought in agricultural sanitation that we manage to decrease the child mortality rate. Without it, a lot of us won't even be living now.

We always say that "knowledge is power", in this technologically advanced age, this statement is especially true. It is with science that we are able to obtain this knowledge and hence the power that comes with it too. With science in hand, we can basically do anything that we want to and achieve things that are thought to be impossible. People once laughed at the idea of walking on the moon and flying, however, the invention of space shuttles and air-planes already made this possible, again with the help of science.

However, the main problem that science has is that it interfere with ethics quite a lot, especially in areas involving biology. For example, the stem cell research that proved to be a very effective type of medication is said to be violating human rights. Cloning too is also considered to be a highly debated topic involving science. With cloning technology, one can live forever and ever, however, is right for humans to gain immortality? For example, people that need an organ replacement can clone themselves and use the organs from the clone to treat themselves. However, the clone may be killed in the process. Here comes the question, it is justifiable to kill "yourself" to save yourself? Is the clone considered a human too? In fact, there are quite a lot of science that is under the moral grey zone and it causes a lot of ethical problems.

All in all, I do not deny that science will bring destruction to the society too, but in truth, the effect of lies in the hands of whomever that is using it. Science is neither man’s foe nor his friend and will always remain neutral, it all depends on man kind's usage on them. With science, there are hopes for the future, but we must not misuse it, if not the future will be ruined instead.

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