Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Don't slay the goose that lays golden eggs

Singapore government had already decided for the building of the IR, which in turn caused even more debates before it is built. There are a lot of different articles published on the issue of IR, and each with a different viewpoint.

Some believe that the government is making a very risky decision, and it may in fact cause the opposite effect from what we desire. As we all know, gambling have a very negative impact that will cause harmful consequences. However, there will always be an opposite side of the picture. The government have the responsibility to ensure that the people be benefited, so what are the benefits that the people will gain?

Building of the IR will bring a lot of business opportunity to Singaporeans. With the increase in number tourist coming to visit the IR, we will have more opportunities to boost our economy. With the tourist, hotels, restaurant, shopping mall and other aspects of economy will be benefited, and they will be likely to earn a profit. It will also create jobs for the people that need it in this time of a global financial crisis.

However, traditional moral values oppose people gambling. Gambling is often seen as something that will definitely bring harmful effects to the people. Youths will probably be curious of how a real casino be like and step into it, in the end finding themselves unable to leave. Having more gamble addicts will only waste Singapore's resources. There will be a risk of having an increase in crime rate. Singapore, being a country that's long known to be safe and secure, will be viewed differently after that.

Generally, I think that people oppose to the building of IR as they are afraid that Singapore will be plunged into a series of problems after that and many do not understand why the government that's always oppose gambling will have a sudden change of mind. However, one must remember that IR does not only include the casino, there will also be shopping malls, restaurants, hotels and theme parks in it.

In conclusion, I think that the government has its reason for building the IR, but we need to be informed of the reason. We must also be prepared for all the problems that having an IR will probably bring and unsures that Singapore remains a safe environment.

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